Directory structure
From Figure 2(a), the left panel of Figure 2, we see that the openfuelcell/ directory has two main subdirectories, run/ and src/. The run/ directory contains examples of cases that can be simulated with the model, while the src/ directory contains the model source code.
The run directory contains case directories, or cases. The cases coFlow, counterFlow, and crossFlow exercise the model on co-flow, counter-flow, and cross-flow configurations, respectively. The case quickTest is similar to the coFlow case, but reduced from twelve to three channels. The case quickTestStack is similar to quickTest but for a stack of three cells with external fuel and air manifolds. In each configuration, the fuel velocity is in the +x direction, while the air velocity is in the direction of +x, -x, and +y for co-flow, counter-flow and cross-flow, respectively.
The src/ directory contains the major subdirectories libSrc/ and appSrc/. In libSrc/, we find C++ classes that have been specifically developed or modified for sofcFoam and are used in the sofcFoam model. The appSrc/ directory contains the sofcFoam model source files, which instantiate objects from both libSrc/ and OpenFoam/src as needed, to implement the sofcFoam algorithm. As is typical for OpenFoam applications, the sofcFoam application is built by including blocks of code (*.H files) into a main program (*.C file).
run/ coFlow/ 0/ air/ fuel/ system/ air/ electrolyte/ fuel/ interconnect0/ interconnect1/ config/ constant/ polyMesh/ air/ electrolyte/ fuel/ interconnect0/ interconnect1/ counterFlow/ < coFlow...> crossFlow/ < coFlow...> quickTest/ < coFlow...> src/ appSrc/ Make/ libSrc/ continuityErrs/ diffusivityModels/ diffusivityModel/ binaryFSG fixedDiffusivity/ fsgDiffusionVolumes/ fsgMolecularWeights/ knudsen/ porousFSG/ Make/ MeshWave/ polyToddYoung/ regionProperties/ smearPatchToMesh/ sofcSpecie/ |
0/ k T air/ p U YN2 YO2 fuel/ p U YH2 YH2O Allclean config/ make.faceAir make.faceFuel make.faceSet make.setAir make.setFuel make.setSet constant/ cellProperties rxnProerties air/ airProperties porousZones sofcSpeciesProperties electrolyte/ electrolyteProperties fuel/ fuelProperties porousZones sofcSpeciesProperties interconnect0/ interconnectProperties interconnect1/ interconnectProperties polyMesh/ blockMeshDict Makefile runscript system/ controlDict.mesh controlDict fvSchemes fvSolution decomposeParDict createPatchDict air/ fvSchemes fvSolution fuel/ fvSchemes fvSolution electrolyte/ fvSchemes fvSolution interconnect0/ fvSchemes fvSolution interconnect1/ fvSchemes fvSolution |
(a) | (b) |
Like any other OpenFoam case directory, the four cases here contain major subdirectories 0/, constant/, and system/. With only a single mesh, these 0/, constant/ and system/ directories would be populated by files only, but with multiple meshes they have a subdirectory for each region, and the files for each domain are placed in the appropriate directory or subdirectory. Thus initial global temperature T is found in 0/T, initial air velocity U in 0/air/U, initial fuel pressure p in 0/fuel/p, etc. Similarly, global cell properties are found in constant/cellProperties, whereas air properties are found in constant/air/airProperties. See Figure 2(b) for more complete listings.